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Week 14 - Workshop online tests

Tanvi Kulkarni

10th - 13th December

I wanted to test my workshop structure before conducting the final workshop.

The pandemic did not allow me to conduct this workshop twice in person. I decided to go ahead with making it online. I could test this out easily as there would be no restrictions. This was a good aspect as it made me explore how I could potentially have a digital version of the same.

I decided to do this workshop with 3 people.

Stage 1 -


For this stage , I had to create an Instagram filter that could randomly assign you a mask. I did this with the help of Spark AR. I first took multiple photos of my masks with different combinations, and then uploaded it as a 3d layer to Spark.

Experience it yourself here-

Stage 1 of the workshop would be the Instagram filter, but I would still invite the participants to talk about their character and assume the role. They would speak about their strengths and weaknesses.

I will briefly describe the characters people chose -

Participant 1 - Participant 1 chose their character to be a warrior. She was known in all of Takshashila (place in Mahabharata) as the fearless queen. Her name was Ajeeshya. Her weapons was the Trishul. She knows all the tricks and practices everyday.

Participant 2 - This character sold sweets in all of Takshashila . Whenever someone wanted to eat something sweet, they went to Yuvraj. He also was a sweet talker, and all the girls would line up to get sweets from Yuvraj.

Participant 3 - Pathika used to travel on foot everywhere. She was always there when anything major happened. Once, she saved a King from a hidden attack and was gifted by him with a horse. She cannot wait to complete her travels on cavalry now.

Stage 2 -

I sent each participant a digital version of the storybook. Unfortunately, they could not experience the 'see my blood' as it was completely physical.

Other conversations went really well.

These are some of the drawings from the workshop.

Feedback -

Having an online workshop was a completely different experience. One of the disadvantages on conducting this on instagram was that I could not record the session. Although, as this was purely for testing purposes, I feel it worked well.

The feedback from the participants was that they found it quite engaging. The participants did not know each other. Participant 2 said it was good to break the ice with something other than small talk. They also said that they felt comfortable to do weird and wacky things as their face was not seen.

They also thought that the story was real and not a retelling, so they were surprised when I told them about it.

I would have liked the performance aspect in conducting this workshop, but that was not possible to do on Instagram. I would love to explore this in the future and have a Zoom filter as well.


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